- “The Discovery of Storytelling and the part of overlooked poets, players and librarians in its epiphany” Books 2.0 7:2 145-157 (2017)
- Review of Told Again by Walter de la Mare, with a new introduction by Philip Pullman. New publication of classic literary fairy tales, part of the Oddly Modern Fairy Tales curated by Jack Zipes, Princeton University Press, 2015, for Folklore, the journal of the Folklore Society
- Review of The Fourth Pig by Naomi Mitchison, with a new introduction by Marina Warner. New publication of classic literary fairy tales, part of the Oddly Modern Fairy Tales curated by Jack Zipes, Princeton University Press, 2015, for Folklore, the journal of the Folklore Society
- “CAT: Children’s Books and Talk. A report on a ’Children’s Books Book Group’, a staff engagement pilot project for Oldham Libraries.” The project, and report, investigated ways of developing staff’s product knowledge of the children’s book collection, to improve services to children and families
- “Journeys East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon: what a storyteller’s life, performance style and signature story tell us” Storytelling Self and Society (September 2015)
- Review of Shakespeare’s Folktale Sources by Charlotte Artese published by University of Delaware Press, 2015, for Folklore, the journal of the Folklore Society
- Review of Storytelling in the Moment, Exploring a Contemporary Verbal Art in Britain and Ireland by Michael Howes, published by Academia Press, 2014. For English Dance and Song Magazine
- Books for Keeps (2013)
- “Can you describe the experience?”with Donna Schatt, University of Chicago, Storytelling Self and Society August, 2014
- ‘The King of the Birds, Calendar Custom as Child’s Play: study of a 91 year old Irish storyteller’s childhood memories of participating in Wrenning’ Journal of International Play (2013)
- Still Spell Bound: Story Times in Welsh Museums, Archives and Libraries. A report commission by CyMAL (Welsh Government authority for museums, archives and libraries) and published by The George Ewart Evans Centre, University of South Wales (2013)
- ‘The Well of D’Yerree-in-Dowan, Manifestations of Grimm’s The Water of Life in Irish Folklore and Literature‘ Gramarye: Journal of the Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales & Fantasy (2012)
- ‘Junior Reading Champions: storytellers as role models for reading’ English 4 to 11, 44, 2012
- ‘Creating Words: Creating Well-Being’ with Harrett, Jacqueline, PhD, Paradigms and Research of Educational Practice, International Science Conference electronic journal (2011)
- Talking the Game: A Case Study of a Storytelling and Football Project’ Journal of Arts and Communities, 1, No. 1., 2009
- ‘Storytelling in Libraries and Schools in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland’ in Storytelling Art and Technique, Ellin Green and Janice Del Negro (A new chapter for well-established storytelling textbook) 2010
- ‘A Jest’s Prosperity…’ – Storytelling and Shakespeare Writing in Education, NAWE, Issue Number 50, Spring 2010
- ‘The Storyteller in Context’ Storytelling Self and Society (Journal of the Storytelling in Higher Education Special Interest Group in National Storytelling Network), August, 2008
- ‘Once Upon A Time Into Altered States’ in Time Everlasting, Representations of Past, Present and Future in Children’s Literature (Pat Pinsent, ed.) paper presented for IBBY conference, 2006, published by Pied Piper Press 2007
- ‘Celticity and the Storyteller Identity: The Use and Misuse of Ethnicity to Develop a Storyteller’s Sense of Self’ Folklore, Folklore Society, December 2006
- ‘Storytelling’ article for The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Children’s Literature, ed. Jack Zipes and Kimberley Reynolds, 2004
- ‘Secure Storytelling: Storytelling in Prisons and Young Offenders’ Units’ All Our Children, Library Services to Children at Risk, ed. Anne Marley, Young Libraries Group (YLG) publication
- ‘A Beautiful Game: Oral Narrative and Soccer’ Children’s Literature and Education, June 2002
- Storytelling in Ireland-A Reawakening Report for the Verbal Arts Centre and the arts councils of Ireland and Northern Ireland, reporting on state of storytelling. 1994
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